Thursday, August 31, 2006

Guitar Porn Centrefold # 1.

Ibanez SZ720FG
Some people would tell you that Paul Reed Smith makes the best guitars in the world. The person that is likely to tell you that may be an accountant, lawyer or other financially well-off professional. Oh, and you may be told this by the odd musician too.
The thing about guitars, is that no guitar is the best in the world. What matters is; what's best for you (when choosing one of our 6 stringed friends for your own use).
This month, I'm featuring Ibanez's SZ720FG because I believe it's a quality guitar. It's made in Korea. It's a poor man's Paul Reed Smith. Here we have a guitar that has more abalone than a mollusc convention, with binding around the mahogany body and headstock. Featuring a string thru-body with an amazing smooth bridge for playing comfort and sustain, rosewood fingerboard with groovy mother of pearl inlays...what else do you want?
The only thing that Ibanez fucked up on when designing this beauty, is the pick ups that they've used. They sound woolly and undefined. Fortunately, I shall be replacing mine in this example that you see with some Bare Knuckle pick-ups, probably the 'Warpig' model, for maximum grind.
Another sexy bitch next month, folks!


JDA said...

depends what sound you want really, how about some 'jeff becks'? I still want a left handed Gibson 'Nighthawk' but they don't do 'em left handed John!!

rockmother said...

What's wrong with a Gibson Les Paul? I think that's possibly the only guitar I know and if I played it would have to be left-handed awkward bugger that I am.

JDA said...

left handed! well whad da ya know?

I got one..Gibson Les Paul L/H...cherry sunburst custom deluxe, bought it in 1977-8 at a discounted price of £400..nighccce.

Istvanski said...

Les Pauls are fine if you don't mind a spot of shoulder arthritis when you get old enough to collect your pension.

JDA said...

Just pre-ordered season 2 of Lost at Yeah!

West said...

Sorry Ister, gotta be a Gretsch Country Gentleman. Walnut body, gold trimmings, Bigsby, dial-up mutes.....(....drifts off into hourlong reverie....)

A. Radiographer has/had a nice ibanez mind - nice guitars....

Istvanski said...

There's nowt wrong with a Gretsh, they have a character all of their own.
It's certainly a case of 'horses for courses' and I for one haven't tried many Gretsch's.
I like a bit of 'bollocks' to my overall sound.

It all depends on the type of music we intend to play.

The Ibanez that I featured makes for a great and versatile all rounder and due to it's parts and construction, has great intonation as well as reliable tuning.

It also looks pretty tasty.