I was curious to see wether the tough commercial climate presented many vacant units within the complex but to my surprise, all were filled. The place was also filled with people, some of whom actually bought stuff. I suspect there were more window shoppers than regular spending spree types, as I didn't see many people with a whole gamut of designer carrier bags in their possession. There were quite a few scrote-coat wearers about the place.
I made my way straight to the busy Apple store which was staffed by people looking like character rejects from The Big Bang Theory (American geek sitcom). It had a 'Genius Bar' which, unlike the name suggests, is not a drinks bar for those with a high IQ, but a counter manned by experts ready to assist you with advice regarding all your Apple related techie quieries. Most of the sleek products were readily displayed so I decided to try an iPod. They had Bose headphones plugged into all demo iPods - they wouldn't sell any if Apple's own headphones were used with the display models - and they still sounded shit! I couldn't even get the new Shuffle to work (I may have broken it) so I shuffled out of the shop as quickly as I came in.
What made me smile was the giant balloon that was the Lindt Easter bunny situated in The Atrium. I'm more of a Cadbury's man myself but ten out of ten to Lindt for a fun marketing idea, I'm sure there'll be plenty of choccie bunnies sold because of it.
Of the nineteen footwear shops found in the centre, the ones that stuck out were Aussie UGGs, the ghastly Crocs and more notably the trendy Vans boutique, which had a nice line in Bad Brains merchandise. Is a Vans shop too cool for Westfield or are they simply acknowledging the hoody element of a west London past within the realms of the new and improved up-market Shepherd's Bush? There seems to be a snobby contradiction of wares for sale in Westfield although the absence of Matalans and TK Maxx didn't go entirely unnoticed.
On the lower and upper levels of a section called The Balcony, there are no less than thirteen eateries such as Yo! Sushi and Pho, the latter specialising in Vietnamese street food where I tried a steak based noodle soup. Nothing to write home about but the mixed apple, mint and lime juice was refreshing. More than ten restaurants can be found on the Southern Terrace and with nearly twenty cafes scattered around the premises, you should have no trouble finding refreshments to suit.
Many ladies love to shop, and the management of Westfield have wised up to this big time. There's a large assortment of female clothes emporiums ranging from shoes and lingerie to more than twenty women's fashion boutiques like Blanco, Laura Ashley, New Look, La Senza, Wag Express, etc. They're all here - all ready to beat your plastic into a pulp.
If you're feeling really flush, there is an area called The Village which caters for 'Luxury Retail' outlets such as Louis Vitton, Gucci, Dior and other posh shops that specialise in expensive pieces of useless tat. Throw in a few banks, bookshops, the obligatory department stores, sports, toys, jewellery (fourty-seven grand Rolex anyone?), gadget shops and that's pretty much the make up of Westfield. No musical instrument shops though, can't have everything I s'pose.
To have recently launched the biggest mall in London was a very brave move despite all the 'green shoots of recovery' bollocks we're hearing. It's a venture that has, in the long term at least, the potential for serving a large catchment area of shoppers who are fed up with having to travel to Oxford Street, Bluewater and Lakeside. The excellent transport links will also beguile away-supporters visiting Loftus Road into parting with a few of their pennies at Westfield.
Either that, or it might get trashed to fuck by Millwall fans next season.
Links: Westfield Shopping Mall
More pictures here.
Anywhere to buy vinyl?
I actually have the Bose in-ear jobbies and, yes, they are better than the standard Apple ones... plus they don't rub and irritate my lobes to the point of bloodshed.
Dynamically I don't think they're particularly great, but, well, if you're listening on a bus then what do you care if you're losing some top end, eh?
The thing that annoys me about the Apple stores are that they limit the iPods on display so that you can't inadvertantly hurt yourself. Awwww... you can't inadvertantly actually hear whether they're any good, either, which makes purchase something of a gamble.
Still, iPods are what they are... replacements for bulkier personal stereos and bags full of CDs and/or tapes. HiFi? Not so much...
I went to the Westfield on its opening night. You could spot all the local people there, as we were all wide-eyed and bemused at the splendour in our neighbourhood.
Howesy - Vinyl what? Floor tiles? Try Wickes.
Kenski - You see more and more people in public wearing the large closed-in headphones these days. These are people are willing to trade for a better sound in exchange for looking like a geek tit. If iPods are just another excuse for a designer mp3 player then Alan Sugar is right to think that they'll never catch on...erm, hang on...
Billy - Good luck to Shepherd's Bush. Westfield should bring in some tourist dollars to help combat the slump. I had a good day out, apart from having to travel back home on the train with a bunch of Br*ght*n fans - they lost to Franchise FC, so really things turned out fine in the end.
chazza said: Would you like a double 'Jack Daniel' or large Cuppa builders tea to wash down that 'Westfield' Mall Guide. . .lol §;-p. . .xxx
No thanks. I don't feel the need to celebrate something that's actually just another blog post about a shopping centre.
Nice post!
My partner's eldest son is a lighting engineer and worked at the Westfield centre's opening night.
Unusually for a woman, I'm not that keen on shopping but I do like the Chappelfield centre in Norwich because it's all bright and clean and easy to find your way around. Westfield would appear to be like that only on a much grander scale. It looks good on your photos anyway.
Bluewater is just up the road from me, recently more and more empty shops there. The only music shop, generally over priced but at least somewhere to browse whilst the girls shop, has closed. Zavvi has mutated into Head but still looks like some boot fair with little in terms of range, even chart CDs are tricky to find. HMV isn't bad but more DVD/BlueRay than music these days... maybe downloads are about to win the day.
With a few gadget shops, Modelzone then Waterstones I'm generally finished before the girls have hit Next...
Shopping! What are you like???
Shop till you drop.
Naaah you slaaag!
Not fahkin' floor tiles..
I meant fahkin' trarsers 'innit.
I listen to my ipod in the car, saves fiddling with cds - wouldn't be without the wee bugger, 15,000+ songs :-)
I love those Lindt bunnies, the shops must buy containers of them as there's always plenty left after Easter and you can grab them for about 50p. Nom nom.
Hate Uggs & Crocs, daft looking fuckers of things.
Nice to see you've mastered the art of eating soup with two forks and a pencil.
Did you se any of these in your travels?...
Shopping is great.
chazza said: 'Celebrate' da. . ~§:-) . . .no. Wash down after swallowing of. . . Lol
Oi Ister. Gimmie a ring re a new member of the Dictators. Drummer pending. An album awaits as does a new punk ethos record label.
Lovely, just like not being there.
did y'all buy anything, sugar? ;) xoxo
I got taken there for a business dinner a couple of weeks ago - I know - what??!! Was like having a meeting at an airport but even bigger and more expensive. Not a mallperson me - all that space - am worried that I will get lost and never be able to find my way out. Perhaps I'll take little white pebbles with me if I ever go again (which I prob won't!).x
I give them 6 months. I have learned the word PHO now I just have to figure out what it is, this is the second blog to mention it, sounds commie.
MJ sent me, blame her.
Liz - Chappelfield? That's where I bumped into Delia one time...in my dreams. The lighting in Westfield is adequate but subtle - just right.
Furtheron - Branson was right to sell the Virgin outlet when he did. Zavvi had a bad time of it, but I did manage to buy the Laurel & Hardy Hal Roach boxset for £50.
Which was nice.
Col - Shopping? Moi?!? I returned your call to call. What now?
MoMad - That's what the fat cats want. Our money and our very last breath.
Howesy - If ya want strides, then wha didn't ya say, guv? I can't recall any trendy men's outfitters in Westfield. You'd be better off in your uniform.
Clark - Cheers, but I get all the spam I want from John Cleese.
Joanne - "Nice to see you've mastered the art of eating soup with two forks and a pencil."
It took me ages to get just a mere centilitre down the gullet. I gave up out of sheer frustration!
The Slayer foot covers are something else aren't they? I saw this bloke the other day with a Slayer camo hoodie. Cool.
Dick - I know - I'm sure you're missing somewhere you've never been to.
Savvy - I just bought myself the Vietnamese dinner. After all, hat would I have done with all those Apple products?
RoMo - Pebbles, chalk, string...hell, even GPS wouldn't work in a place like that. x
Mr Knudsen - Hello, good evening and welcome. You're one of those celebrity bloggers, aren't you? I'm chuffed to have your presence grace this comments section.
PHO is Vietnamese for "Agent Orange". I still have the taste on my tongue.
I'm told that MJ's quite an accommodating lass.
Hello, I've been sent by the Infomaniac.
Frankly, I find the ipod headphones to be a right royal pain in the arse and forever falling out my ear 'oles.
I have no problem walking around with these whopping great things on my ears. Make me look like Princess Leia in Star Wars.
Mind you I do live in the student district, so the chances of a kicking are slim.
Why, in a climate that receives 5 million litres of rain every week, is the glass ceiling inverted?
I love the Geeks on the Big Bang..they shall inherit the Earth. Little did I know back in High School that they would all be wildly successful AFTER school.
I use big-ass headphones on my pod (puh-leeze) and the drain allows me to listen to about 10 songs before I need to recharge it. HELLO!
chazza said: 'Big Bang theory' geeks. . yes. . .Rule Lol. . . .
Some thing out of the norm. . .Can't help watching for its non serious issues thats a big deal to them, stupidness and pure utter geekyness. Each character into their own indivdual geekyness.
The Inbetweeners. . . .not so geeky but our own British brand of stupidness. . .lol xxx
celebrity bloggerCheck out my new show on VH1 'The flavour of dirty love'
I shall be looking for true love on a reality show, where else would you find it?
Knudsen, are you using Istvanski's blog to break up with me?
We have the Trafford centre - an overblown neo classical pleasuredrome with marble balustrades and the largest chandelier in the world. The design of your Westfield looks so much better and contemporary.
Me - I just stick to the old Arndale in the city centre. All I need are River Island and Fopp.
Emerson - Thanks for popping over, and yes, students are too pussy to attempt a 'ridicule bundle' or even a headphone mugging. Most of them are too busy shoegazing.
Mister Coppens - Give it 5 years and the roof will have more leaks than a Welsh farmer. Incidentally..."Mr. Coppens"?!?
Does that make you you Don's husband?
MJ / Knudsen - I don't mind you both using this blog to break up, so long as you continue to use this blog to make up. We expect to hear gory details of any domestic turbulence.
Kaz - Hello Kaz, welcome.
"...marble balustrades and the largest chandelier in the world."
Good grief, isn't it posh up norf these days. I'll have to visit (scared?). We had an Arndale centre in Wandsworth when I were a lad - it went downhill and they named it something more posh ("Southside") to get the well-to-do punters to come in.
It's still going downhill.
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