What kind of drugs is Larry taking? People need both, and he should know this. Don't kerb crawlers exist in Flynt's world? And what of the car driver that can't be arsed to walk or take the bus to the local sex shop?
But fair play to him, he's only speaking out for the people who willingly get paid to shag in front of a camera and he can be seen as an unelected union speaker for the porn world. It's a dirty job and someone's got to do it 'cos times is hard (and other predictable puns).
But then I turn the page of today's paper to read that the creator of the Ken and Barbie dolls, Jack Ryan, used to be a kinky swinger who held orgies at his Bellend...sorry, BelAir mansion. This is a bloke who was once hitched to Zsa Zsa Gabor and, and...well guess what? It's the subject of a new book. 'Scuse me for being so presumptious, but who'd have thought that people would want to read about the private life of a toy manufacturer?
On the same page, I read of some dozy old bint of a shopaholic who bought so much stuff that she was crushed to death by some of her unopened purchases. This news story has been given coverage of half a page which is odd as I've yet to read a decent obituary of the recently departed Ron Asheton. I wonder what they'll say about Dave Dee?
You'd be forgiven if this was a rag like The Sun, The Star or The Sport, but it was all in today's Metro which can be obtained freely at many railway stations in and around the capital. The worrying thing is that many people read this stuff to pass the time of the journey as they go to work and I can't help feeling that apathy towards buying decent papers (are there any left?) is growing because of the number of free news rags that exist.
So, the challenge is: can any of you recommend a reliable and politically unbiased news source?
Can't recommend an unbiased news source Ister - there probably ain't one. But I do suggest you seek out a you-tube clip of Ulrika and Vern singing 'My Endless Love' on Cleb Big Brother.
Surreal dadaist masterpiece of the absurd? Or shit reality crapfest for the terminally retarded?
You decide...
Have a great weekend
p.,s. 'ere - some bounder's pinched the 'ole in me me guhtar....
I always thought it was Dave, Dee, Dozy, etc...until I worked out there wasn't a woman in the band.
Swingers need their cars, too. It'd be a lot of good throwing your shed keys into the middle of the room.
Kid Shirt did a decent obit of Ron.
Re: decent obit - I half-read a fairly decent one in The Independent over someone's shoulder on the tube yesterday. Online - Electric Roulette did a fine job. There are various nice tributes - Mike Watt's being the most touching.
Re: porn vs cars - well not really - do you need cars? Larry's got a point. You can order ot over tinternet and get it all sent to you in a discrete brown envelope and wank yourself silly at home without having to ever get in the car again surely?
Ta ra for now x
Ah sure you may as well try and get in on the act. Look what you can get away with today: Madoff 50bn and more more like, under house arrest; breaking his bail trying to slip one million in gifts (inexpensive) out and the Judge ignores it and lets him continue. Mad stuff man. I can’t believe it.
Even Donald Trump (the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, which is to be the second-tallest building in that city
is refusing to pay that Deutsche Bank 40 million and thinks the bank should pay him $3 billion for undermining the project and damaging his reputation due to the financial crisis. “Force majeure” is the name of his new game.
Apparently the financial crisis is the same thing as riots, floods or strikes; circumstances not within the reasonable control of the borrower.
Like you cn do the same when you can’t pay your mortgage…. Like fuck you can.
can any of you recommend a reliable and politically unbiased news source?
That's a good one.
I'm sure he could get a job in Walmart.
Sadly not mate.
Bob - Shame on me, I can't find that clip of Verne and Ulla anywhere on YouTube...hang on, the missus is bound to have recorded it. But are you sure it's worth trudging through hours of footage just for this? And what's the point of it now that Lucy's been voted off?
"Shit reality crapfest for the terminally retarded" will do nicely.
Geoff - Kid Shirt's post was just right, short and to the point.
You'll need a big shed to hold a comfortable orgy - how about a summer house?
RoMo - Do you have the link for Mike Watt's tribute to Ron? I've just found out that he's in Banyan! Doh!
If you order porn goods over the net then a motorised vehicle of sorts will be needed somewhere along the delivery chain. Somehow I just can't envisage a carrier pigeon delivering a deluxe sex doll. It might get accidentally punctured by its little beak.
MoMad - Let's face it, Madoff will not get executed and he knew this, so he tried a big scam. Looking at the bigger picture, it's a tempting prospect - go for gold and win. On the other hand, if you get found out and imprisoned, your stay in jail is paid for by those tax payers that you've scammed. It's a win / win situation...if you have no morals.
Joanne - Walmart are ok, they own Asda. Things could've been tougher if they'd bought Woolies.
Col - Yeah, that's a tough challenge that no one can overcome. You'll never, ever in a million years, get an unbiased paper.
Here you go - covered on Electric Roulette http://www.electricroulette.com/2009/01/mike-watt-pays.html
and he has his own brilliant site here: http://www.hootpage.com/
he does GREAT podcasts and you should also listen to his new stuff with Brothers Sister Daughter - I really like it. He is amazing and a true inspiration - I don't think he ever sleeps. x
As ure surfin away. . . Dont forget guitar belt. . .x x x chaz
RoMo - Cheers, Roster. I've seen his Hootpage, it's a, erm, hoot. There's a lot of good left-field stuff he's been involved in over the years. Shame to read about the vultures grabbing Ron's guitars. Bastards.
Chazza - Col's just bought a guitar strap for sixty five quid! Sixty five bleedin' quid I tell ya!
i swear, sugar, we are fucked here in the states. i hope our man will make a serious change in how we approach problems here and around the world! xoxox
£65 bleedin' QUID??!! Lawks-a-lordy.
Savvy - I hope your man lives up to the hype, hope and expectation that millions of people have.
RoMo - I know - and for just another twelve quid, Col could've bought a starter Epiphone Les Paul guitar just to smash up at the end of their set! x
No idea on good news sources, I've generally given up.
Didn't even know Ron had gone. I only saw Iggy and the Stooges once, I never got it with them myself.
And I couldn't help myself (Not good for someone with my addictive history) but I did laugh at the lady with the shopping.
Did the article point out there is a Shopaholics Anonymous in the UK? There is one meeting I'm aware of in London - I have a friend who's a member. Actually it isn't funny but normally it is me telling my friend of alcholics and addicts in my circle who have died directly or indirectly through abuse. We've joked that her addiction only leads to monumental debt and relationship issues but doesn't actually kill you... I'll be looking out this story to pursade her otherwise.
chazza: .Isti. Isti. . .£65. . .thats love. . .ha Col?. . .for ones guitar.
Accessorizing. . .as Gok Wong says all the time. . Lol
After all a good guitar does nt cost peanuts today. X x
I laughed at the lady that got squashed by all her bags of shopping too - sort of comical in a sick way but I couldn't help myself.
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