Instead, this post will deal with last night's entertainment - a bunch of lads that tried their best on a stage with a considerably good turn out in front of a loyal following who just about managed to pass the test by the skin of their teeth even though they displayed a shaky performance alongside their peers. Personally, I wasn't entirely convinced by what happened last night and that's all I'm going to say about the Germany V England game.
Kings Cross was once a den of kerb-crawlers, a run down area of the capital where nearly every grimy alleyway temporarily housed a sad brass flaked out in the gutter with a needle dangling precariously from her arm. Indeed, there was a time when even Maccie D's wouldn't move into the place due to the overpowering stench of slum. Things are better now, what with the recent regeneration and the renovated building of St Pancras station, which means that a safer social scene has arrived for people of most ages.
The Water Rats theatre, a small venue with a pleasant atmosphere (reminiscent of the Sir George Robey of old - but without the sawdust), provided the right setting for a showcase of bands. The group topping the bill was a quartet called Keith, which is a great name for a band and Mark the guitarist filled us in on how they came to be christened with such a monicker, but that's another story. With Keith, you get the tried and tested four piece of drums, bass, guitar and a lead vocalist who doubles up on keyboards (note to organ freaks; if you fancy, but can't afford a Fender Rhodes, get yourself a Nord Electro 2 as used by this band as well as The Vandebilts). Keith made excellent use of their forty five minute slot with songs that immersed you in some very imaginative soundscapes, they use their instruments unconventionally as well as traditionally to great effect. I must admit, I'd never heard any of the songs before - some were showcased from a recent studio session - the only song I know has a title that I always have difficulty remembering and was one that was played on an old Depcast.
You can't go too far wrong with this lot, to my dogged ears they were well rehearsed, well received and they managed to have a sympathetic soundman manning the desk. The other good thing about them is their degree of individuality and creativity, so with more promotion they certainly have the potential of grabbing a much larger audience. Already winners of an XFM competition, I'll wager that we haven't heard the last of Keith.
Bloody hell - I had such high hopes for the new Damned album? I thought Grave Disorder was a belter, but the last single Little Miss Disaster was a bit flat - will check the Keith website they sound top
Oh no that is disappointing to hear. I was really looking forward to the new album..
Stuff The Dammed. Bunch of old has beens ;-) This new lot sound interesting. New Cross eh? Ooh you never know.
Nice one Ister, very fair review.
Keith's new album (having obtained a sneaky review copy...) is very good indeed.
Actually, would like to see Keith on their home ground, or even better in Japan where they're madfor'em!
PM - I think Grave Disorder is a fantastic album, but I just cannot get into this new one as I think it's a bit too wet. Perhaps the songs will come across better in a live gig, or perhaps the album will be a 'grower', but so far it's a bit of a damp squib for me. Sad, 'cos I love those bastards, I really do.
Romo - Have a listen to it yourself, it's just my first impression. There are a lot of hardcore fans that love it and you may too.
Col - Hasbeens? HASBEENS!?! Don't you DARE slag off my fave band, I won't have any of that chat here, you hear? Captain Sensible would never be as unprofessional as to suddenly tune his guitar halfway through the performance of a song, he sees that his gear is in tip top shape prior to performing a gig... ;-p
Howesy - Keith's performance was highly enjoyable. Any chance you could forward that top secret advance album copy my way?
He would do if it sounded as wank as my guitar did on the night!!! Mind you, two and a half hours of hangin' about pouring JD and C down me throat and no sound check meant that it was bound to go pear shaped something rotten. Three out of four ain't bad!
Gonna see 'em tomorrow night in Belfast, cannae wait!
Hope yer well.
Col - Sensible doesn't do wank guitars, but my offer of £50 still stands for your wanky Firebird.
PS, what the hell is a 'Time Illusion'?
Joanne - Were they any good? Does the new stuff come across well at a gig? I'll be going to see them at a popular seaside resort where hopefully they'll be backed by the Brighton Gay Mens' Choir (oo-er, missus)!
Where were yo man, never mind the album;-)
You vanished for uite a while or am I in some kind of Momo warp?
Yes I just checked Aug.24 to Nov. 14th.
Anyway a very warm welcome back, it brightened up my day.
You're a gentleman ist.
Thanks, MoMad. I just got a bit bored of blogging so I took a breather. Although I've come back to writing about the same old bollocks, I'm now doing it more on a whim than aiming on average of writing one or two posts a week. I haven't got a home internet connection thanks to AOL and I've also re-discovered other creative options which need to be persued. I'm trying to get the balance right.
They were good, aye. The new songs seemed a bit bland, maybe they need a few listens I dunno...getting some pics posted on the blog.
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