Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday's Doodle


llewtrah said...

Is that Johnny Fartpants playing guitar?

Geoff said...

Is that Pete Doherty's QPR cell mate?

Istvanski said...

Llewtrah - It's anyone you want it to be. Parp.

Geoff - That's the one. He goes by the name of "Mummy". You know, as in: "Come and suck Mummy's cock".
The games these cellmates play, apparently.

Joanne Casey said...

...wait a minute, it's captain sensible...are you him?

rockmother said...

It looks like Cappy to me. x

Axe Victim said...

Ah an artist? Excellent...

The Mistress said...

I've never seen a panto.

Is this what I should expect?

Furtheron said...



Oh yes - you had that freak Crouch come on and stuff 2 goals past us in the last 10 mins once. He still bears some major grudge against Gillingham over that.

Oh sidetracked again... shit you have talent... I hate that :-)

Istvanski said...

Joanne - Nah, but sometimes I wish I had his lifestyle.

Roster - It does, doesn't it ;-)

AV - Really? Where?

MJ - You should expect a very silly looking horse / cow. If you don't get one, be sure to get a refund.

Further On - We got Crouchy back at every opportunity at Selhurst when he got the ball. Not only that but we beat Liverpool that night. European Champions my arse!

Anonymous said...

Viztastic. Except for the scary fox. He freaks me out.

chazza said...

Is that Queen Elizabeth on Keyboard? I hear she is rather a cool bird without her crown. . x x

Istvanski said...

JPT - Not to worry, I shall cull foxes from any future illustrations.