Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Now That's Magic!

Ye White Heart is a good pub in the summer. With a balcony and a large porch overlooking the River Thames, it's a venue that can be enjoyed not only by the smokers of the drinking fraternity, but also those that relish a nice cold pint out in the open on a mild evening. They also have live music every now and then, as they did last Friday. The only downside is that it's full of Fulham FC fans, probably.
If you were lucky enough to have been there, you would have witnessed the first ever gig by a band known as Magic Ship. Not only was it their first gig as a collective, it was also quite sometime that most of the individual members had gigged with anyone in a long while (I won't mention how many years for the sake of any younger readers, ageism is still alive and well unfortunately). It's a good job then that these fellows showed no signs of displaying any nervous cobwebs and they managed to deliver their brand of classic rock with consumate ease, professionalism and above all else they had a lot of fun in doing so. That last point is important, if the band are having a good time onstage, chances are the audience will too - and they did. Some even risked the dance floor!

Magic Ship, left to right; LEB, Dave Lombardi (ex-Slayer?), Axe Victim & Abraham Love in psudonym heaven

The performance was good, the songs are good, the sound was good (more of that in a mo). The purpose of the gig was certainly valid - a showcase for the release of the lads' new album 'LoveTel Motel'. If the quality of their live set is anything to go by, then you really should treat yourself and buy the studio recorded version of these songs. And I'm not just saying that were it not for the fact that Colin is giving me his Firebird...go buy it.

For those of you who were unfortunate enough to miss this gig, this is available as a free MP3 download (the file size is 58.7 MB at 192 kbps). See how gracious this lot are? They're treating you, the potential album buyer, to stuff that's absolutely gratis!

Download the gig. (To save, right click and select "save target as" or to listen as a stream just left click on the link)

(...and here's the set list: 1. Fly! 2. Lucky Lost 3. Headaches and Heartaches 4. Black Holes Don't Eat Everything 5. Monkeyphonic Alphabets 6. Standing Taller 7. Love and Glory 8. LoveTel Motel 9. Tumbling and Falling 10. Walking With a Mountain)

Listen to the gig on Switchpod

Listen to the podcast.

Pay them an interweb visit.

Add them as your mates on Munterspace.

Now buy the album.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff! Thanks for this post and turning out on the night.

You know when I first got the email from Axe 2 years ago telling us of "ex-pro drummer Dave Lombardi" - for a sly moment I thought I was going to be playing with the Slayer drummer. He's not that Dave, but a better one :-)

Joanne Casey said...

A relief to hear something listenable - there's too many bad bands about these days, shit chart music or crying emo bollox! When I was young, alternative music was great...why did punk have to die???

Axe Victim said...

If you want to read what went down with me on that particular day you can always read my blog post about it over at www.axevictim.com

Thanks very much to you Ister for coming along and especially for providing the 'official' Magic Ship debut bootleg. You're a star mate!

Istvanski said...

Mr Love - You're welcome. If your Dave is better than Slayer's Dave, will we hear a rendition of "War Ensemble" at the next gig to prove his superiority?

Joanne - Do you think punk is dead? There's loads of good punk stuff out there, open your ears, young lady. It's a journey of punk discovery as you trawl the pages of MunterSpace in search of the spirit of '76...or something.

AV - I've often wondered about the term "official bootleg". Isn't that an oxymoron, like "bottomless pit"?

Axe Victim said...

I have to agree to disagree with you here but 'official' bootleg is clearly misunderstood. We should refer to it as an 'authorised' bootleg meaning that it is 'officially' endorsed. Woof!

Istvanski said...

'Authorised' bootleg?

Now I'm really confused.

Furtheron said...

You know listening to the gig now.....

Billy Childish's first outfit... The Pop Rivets anyone remember them.... I thought not, just me and the Tam O'Shanter memories then

savannah said...

i'm rocking away, sugar! thanks! xoxox

Ad said...

Pop Rivets. I remember them Furtheron. I'll take a Billy C comparison happily.

I'm with you Joanne. It is all whiny stuff that sounds the same or bloody covers/tribute bands. My theory on the demise of Punk involves the arrival of the mohican, bands learning to play properly (not a good thing) and the drug of choice changing from speed to smack, etc, etc.

Istvanski - Maybe if you transfer the mp3 to C60 and knock out a few on the Portobello Rd it will feel more bootleggy?

Anyway we're a punk band. The others guys just don't know it yet.

Dick Headley said...

Remember fun? That's what it sounds like.

dive said...

Too much fun, Istvanski!

Did you say GIVING you his Firebird?
Holy crap! Who do I have to shag to get treatment like that?

Istvanski said...

FOUTR - It's good to see people like Billy Childish and Bruce Brand keeping up appearances. The latter played with two different bands a couple of weeks ago and apparently he was learning the songs prior a few hours before going onstage as a stand-in guest guitarist with the headliners of the gig. Nice chap he is too.

Savvy - Glad to be of assistance, saccarine ;-) x

Ad - Portobello you say? Nah, too trendy for me. I'll be flogging a few down Dagenham market tomorrow. Why don't you join a proper punk band? ;-)

DH - Fun is when your ears bleed and you miss out on the punchline.

Dive - Who do you have to shag? Well I'm sure Axey will oblige you if you ask him nicely...

Axe Victim said...

You can ask all you want Dive but Istvanski's got some kind of hold on me. I am his bitch now. Do you want the Firebird autographed Ister?

BTW the album just became available on CDBaby today http://cdbaby.com/cd/magicship

Istvanski said...

Hey! Don't be scribblin' on mah geetar, biatch.

savannah said...


are you mocking me, sir? xoxo

chazza said...

You did a good job Isti.

Love the music agree with JC...plus can dance and get merry to...

Yes mine is a Bacardi and Coke...Yes with Ice...

I like best cheers!!!lol x x

llewtrah said...

ooh - this new computer plays the music!!! It was a bit scary at first when the music started while I was reading ....

Reginald Parsons said...

Yes, I had the pleasure to hear them before. Good old classic rock.
I jumped up on the table, and nearly broke into a twist- the neo-Travolta, not the Chubby old.
Great stuff!

Ad said...

Join a punk band?

I'm up for it. As long as there's at least one song that has the count in in German.

That's the mark of a true (76-80 stylee)punk band.

Istvanski said...

Savvy - Would I be so 'orrible as to do such a thing? ;-)

Llewtrah - See, the benefits of modern technology, listen as you read. Earplugs optional.

Reg - The Travolta Twist? Sounds like the name of an indie band.

Ad - Good. Let's all join The Trick Noise Makers.