Thursday, February 14, 2008

14th Jan - Help!

If I ever have kids, I'd want them to be as well brought up as these two:

More here.


Alan said...

Count pointer point, and clear cord/guitar playing.
I bet they'd give Simon and Gar. a run for their money doing
"Scarborough Fair" canticle and all.
Happy vAL's day. (don't forget the girl friend whatever you do.

Annie said...

Aw... bless the serious little hippy kids. I bet they're home-schooled.

(Just don't resort to the carnations-wrapped-in-silver-paper from the service station forecourt, or Cadbury's Roses, whatever you do...)

Joanne Casey said...

They're bloody good. There's a nice cover of Star of the County Down, too.

Anonymous said...


rockmother said...

Valentines schmalentines - mine didn't even get me a birthday present and Valentines seems to have been hastily's back to normal - 15th tomorrow thank god. Ooh - nice kids - mine grimaces in a rock-type way and windmills along to the Rolling Stones and The Clash with wooden spoons in our house!

savannah said...

happy van halentines afterglow, sugar!

Istvanski said...

Sean - I'm sure Simon & Garfunkel were both greatful that they never had this kind of competition in their heyday. Not even the Mamas & Papas are this good.

Annie - I know, they're serious in every clip they've done. They should be told that music can be a joyous thing too.
Service station forecourt thing, yes, I've been there in the past.

Joanne - They kick arse, those two. Who needs Simon Cowell when you can discover your own new musical heroes on YouTube.

Anon - Yep, sorry about my first attempt at cooking dinner. I got it right second time around I think. Thanks for the Celebrations - I think you'll find that I've eaten all the good ones.

RoMo - OK, Valentines is a bit of a cartoon holiday/celebration, but I'm shocked that you never even got a birthday prezzie from your other 'alf!
But at least you've got H and he seems to be growing up in a good way, what with his Pete Townsend windmills an' all.

Savvy - Ditto to you too, Shoogah!

dive said...

I'll be singing that all day now.

Dick Headley said...

They are very good....a little smile wouldn't go amiss but I know it's not cool.

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Will have to check out the other songs later, now I need to get my two singing ! Not sure I can be doing with the boys hair being so long though ! it was a boy wasn't it.....

Was some nice playing by one so young and makes me want to start practicing again !

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Oh, it was a girl after going to the "proper" youtube page. Sorry girls !

Istvanski said...

Dive - You'll need someone else to help you sing the counter lines. Either that or play them on a guitar.

DH - No smiling - It's like they're caught up in a goth time warp.

Palace Fan - Drag that SG from it's case and start strumming. Now's the time to work on some lullabyes.

Isadora said...

:) Your children will be as well brought up as YOU bring them up. So now you have your standard - get going! You think February 14 is late?! Children take 9 months - and Valentine's day is not a bad time to begin working on the project. :)

Istvanski said...

Isadora - (please excuse the poor grammar of the following message):

Önnek van mondott bölcs szöveg melyik van várt.
Egy különböző téma , csinál Fonográf csendes létezik? Az bonyolult kipróbálás -hoz vesz -uk albumok online, enged egyedül Angliában.

rockmother said...

The online translator isn't very good:

You have spoken wise text which there is bode. One margin topic , make Phonograph silent she does exists? The complicative tryout yield take uk scrapbooks online , permit alone In England.

Istvanski said...

Oh bollocks! I used the online translator to translate from English!
I must've been typing in Croydon dialect. And there I was trying to be clever.

rockmother said...

Scorchio! Sminky pinkee butros butros ghali.

Istvanski said...

You're starting to sound just like Italian Spiderman, RoMo.
Still - could be worse, at least you don't look like him, eh?

rockmother said...

No - my cape is much more luxurious I would have you know and is designed by Alexander McQueen - none of that troutlipped Versace woman's nonsense!

Istvanski said...

Alexander McQueen, eh? You could be "Butterfly Woman".

I would've thought you'd have gone for a Viv Westwood cape or perhaps madam would like a Jacquard weave super-heroine costume for that vintage chic look?

rockmother said...

Oooh yes - anything by Westwood!

Istvanski said...

I'll have to lend you my Viv W purple and lilac sunglasses that I bought in TK Maxx, you'll love 'em!

Liz said...

Pardon the late arrival at this thread.

Those kids are bloody good musicians - we need stuff like this in the charts now (not that I have any idea what is in the charts).

They don't look too chuffed about being filmed. Do they do a version of "Don't put your daughters on the stage Mrs Worthington"?

Istvanski said...

I think they need to lighten up a bit, Liz. As for them being in the charts, I think they're about 25 years out of date with that particular number, but they do show great promise. I hope to god Cowell doesn't get at them - let them develop their musical skills naturally.