I ambled straight towards the men's shoe department. Hmmm, usual height Doc Marten's in black (size 9) for £29.99. Not bad at all...what else? Nice pair of Ben Sherman brown leather casual boots for the same price. Tempting.
Hang on...what's this? British Army green camouflage Converse Chuck Taylor High Tops for £19.99?!? I want a pair. I NEED a pair! They've got a few here in stock...let's see now. Size 10...size 11...size 8...where in God's name are the size 9s?!? Aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!!
When T.K. Maxx have a variety of sizes in the same type of item it means that they've managed to get a fresh consignment of that particular shoe in stock, not just in one branch, but in all their branches. They had no size 9s in at their Purley Way store....think Ister, where's the next nearest branch? Croydon town centre! By the time I'd get there, they would've sold them - if they had any in stock to begin with. That's when I had the brainwave to visit the Collier's Wood branch. A little prayer was said to the patron saint of quality footwear before making my journey.
This was a hunch that proved to be bang on the money. Not only did they have these marvellous trainers in size 9, but when I looked closer along the rack, I saw another pair, exactly the same - in a size 9! Two pairs, both size 9s!! Get in there, my son!!! I greedily bought them both. I came out of T.K Maxx to be greeted by warm glorious sunshine that told me how lucky I was, and that perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket for this evening's rollover jackpot.
I quickly paid a visit to JD Sports which was next door, and they were selling the same Converse but in plain colours for £34.99 per pair. Ha! See - life ain't so bad after all. And to top it all off, Palace have just beaten Southampton away at St. Mary's by 4 goals to 1 courtesy of a Jamie Scowcroft hat-trick. We'd be top of the league if it wasn't for Coventry's alphabetical advantage. We'll take care of that tosser Dowie later.
Time for a little bike ride to release some more of those feel-good endorphins I think. I'm on a roll, maaannnn.......
Bloody hell times have changed. I remember when you could have bought the whole shop for L34.99. Well L34 19/6 actually.
That would be St Hubbins then?
DH - With a bit of bargaining you probably still could. They get away with selling crap at high prices. But it's good crap.
Howesy - Yes.
You lot were lucky to get a draw against Mansfield Town, considering that the visitors deserved to win. Oops...has that remark put a downer on your holiday? I hope it hasn't old bean.
Cool! Can't go wrong with a bit of camouflage. Portugal hot, sea and waves big. I'm back off to the beach. Hope it isn't raining in Blighty.x
RoMo - Go ahead, make me jealous of all that gorgeous Iberian sunshine you're enjoying. See if I care.
Hope you're having a great time! X
You're two places behind us!
My friend's just bought some monkey boots. He had to go on the internet to get them. They fit and he now looks 9!
Ah, what sweet joy to hear those One F in Fulham faithful's singing of the Thierry Henry song slienced by Belarussia's answer to the great Johann Cruff with 10 seconds remaining on the clock! Hleb even looks like a player from a different era in those outsized shorts with socks tucked in his shinpads.
And the Mancs could only draw and Tottenham bite the dust to a classy last second Chopra finish...great start indeed - unless you're Hammer...
Shame abou 'Ull, mind.
He was there too...
L.U.V. on ya,
Perfect winter wardrobe c. 1978 monkey boots and donkey jacket. I might have to revive them for my autumn vintage look this year.
Geoff - Erm, yes...we're catching up!
Bob - What is 'Ull's loss is Ollie's gain. To think you thought that your lot wouldn't be playing the Hammers this season...what were you on?
RoMo - Donkey jacket?!? Oh dear! Are you going through a Portugese cold snap?
outstanding deal, sugar! ;) yep, i'm back home!
No - it's currently 30 degrees + - I was just reminiscing on my youth!
You mean you are male and have more than 1 set of footwear? I am impressed ;)
Ha Rockmoth. . .
Isti failed to mention
you luck, lucky thing
Portugal ha. . .hot. .sand and sea and ha. .
This year Brighton or Southend if Isti takes us. . .have to remin i z z z on our friends and famil holls instead. . .
enjoy. . .
Savvy - Welcome home! Errr...was it you that got married then? If so, why were we not invited?
RoMo - Monkey boots! Do they still sell those? UPDATE: I've just re-read Geoff's comment. They're available from the internet. They look a bit girly though.
Llewtrah - I've ordered another pair from eBay, indigo denim with a celtic stitch motif. Even I'm impressed!
Chazza - Sarfend? Br*ght*n? Shall we do a different destination this year? How about a day trip to the Isle of Sheppey? Or Margate?
How about an evening in Rochester? The Stabilisers are playing at The Nag's Head in a few days time. I can stand at the front of the stage with my pint and you can sit at the back reading your Virginia Andrews book.
Cheers Chazza - where have you been?? xx
no, sugar...son got married..there are pics on my site now...silly thing...btw, how was albania?
Romo. . .Being highly entertained by yours truly. . .He sure knows how to treat me al right. .
Not been too well have something wrong with my balance (or maybe Istis sence of humour knocking me off balance). . .No seriously since that accident with the cat basket. .I have been having ringing in my right ear. Doctors tried tablets. .no avail. Now drops who knows next. . .
Istvan. . .ohh h h baby whats with the grouchinez z z . . .A bit of da va vous . .ground hog day springs to mind. . .
You know it was the costa. .home this year. .isle of decorating and you get to go surfin. . .the internet without your arm bands and rubber ring. . lol lolx x x
Savvy - Albania was just the same as it always is...desolate (apart from a few mountain goats here and there).
Chazza - "Da Va Vous"? Is that a quote from the new Renault ad on the telly?
Chazza - you just need to listen to Motorhead really really loud - that will cure the ringing in your ears as it will ring in both permanently therefore cancelling it all out. But seriously - hope it gets better soon. I know it sounds weird but you can get these things called ear candles - I had dodgy balance for years and it sorted me out no end. Can get them off the net for a fiver a pair. Honestly - it really works. Native American remedy.xx
Romo. . .Thanks for that I shall seriously look into. I cannot stand the dizzy dips (everything spinning 100mph).I am having when I lie on my left and first thing getting out of bed. .Is a task in its self
I was a clubber all through my youth right up until I met Steve to be honest. . I thought that would have done my hearing. Instead a cat basket hittin me on the bonce. . .g8 aint it. . .
Thankyou for caring x x x
P.s takes a woman to totally understand. . .
Isti. . .Renault ad ! !what is that U are so funny?
No its not. . Its the last time you made love to me. . . lol x x x
Chazza - Me? Funny? Not at all.
I just crease up everytime I think of you.
Chazza - hope you feel better soon. I had a blocked ear after a cold for years which affected my balance and made me dizzy - could just be your inner ear/sinuses. Bloody hell - I should start a problem page blog...Ask Dr Romo. ;-)
IST. . .knock. . knock. .
w-- i- t--r-?
i think. . .
i t---k w--?
i think the exact same thing about you. . . lol
ps dont under estimate yourself. . the mirrors says it all. . .lol lol pmps
Romo. . .do you recon i exceedingly hope so. i am startin to loose faith in ever havin my proper hearin back. the constant ringing in my right ear is drivin me crazy esp at night is the worse.
Ist.... PS. I remember that night now. . . Happened over 4 years ago. .it was Gary Zurcufs book. . .Seat of your soul not Virginnia Andrews.
Besides it wasn't just me who felt the same that night other people joined me and we talked bout the book, they apparently had read also. . .kept me company till you returned. . .yerr excellent night for me.
Chazza - I get that too - like someone's got a radio on but it's in your ear! Horrendous. Mine's a winning combination of old inner ear infection gone untreated and sinuses (linked). Ear candles helped. Did you get my text by the way? I woke up with the phone in my hand - not sure if it ever went or not...sooooo rock'n'roll - not!
Chazza - Mirrors?!?
Oh, you mean the Jack Daniels mirrors in the bathroom. I haven't touched a drop!
Worship at the heaven that is T K M. I was just writing about it myself on an e-mail. Oooh, it's tres marvellous. Strangely enough, I nearly bought those trainers. They are cool aren't they? Didn't have my size...should have done what you did. Did get a Polly Pocket blue car though. The beanster loved it. Dolls have clothes made of rubber these days that just kind of get sucked on.
Oh dear, what does that sound like?
Best wishes, Mx
Romo: Yes thank you. . .Slowly getting there, Yes just like you described. . .Yes thanks I did get your text Thank you. . (just now on readin this blogg). Ive not been on here for a while due to dizzyness gets worse concentrating on the screen etc of internet. Been restin mainly to stop getting dizzier. Havent had phone on either since battery died on me. Shall text soon. . x x
Ladies and Gentlepongs,
Welcome to the Chazza show! :o)
By the way, which one's Steve???
ROMO. . .I Think I will email you or text you instead if its personal in future and have a chat since the above person. .thinks our conversations is some kind of show. There are some sad individuals that make up this world. ..
howsey. . Isti tells me you retired recently. . CONGRATULATIONS . . .totally understand you now. . X
The view from the care home window is lovely thanks!
Just off to the river bank with me rod and a blanket for me knees, I do so love fishing.
Got any Horlicks?
Oooohhhh, Horlicks - as in the drink, yes?
I thought you meant something else.
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