Plug in advert, not rawl, electrical or butt. Any of you who happen to be stuck at a loss with nothing to do this coming weekend are quite welcome to venture on down to the
Fourth Bexley Legend Rally (organised by the Bexley Triumph Owners Motorcycle Club). A few local bands will be appearing, one such murky group being Stu's lot
The Booze Bruvvers who will be on stage at 6.30pm on the Saturday. Day tickets are £7 each for adults (children aged 14 and under are allowed in free - that's most of us on the blogging circuit then...). Disco, cheap beer, camping, toilets, showers, hot food, concours and silly games - all makes of bike welcome. Anyone who wishes to make a weekend of it should supply their own pillow and sleeping bag. Communal marquee provided, so I've been informed. Have I missed any other info, Stu?
Be there...or stay at home doing boring weekend things you rather wouldn't want to do.
Oh dear - I would dearly love to be there to whoop and clap along but unfortunately will have to be there in spirit only..big hug to Stu xx
i miss everything :(
give us a in spirit shout out, ok, sugar?
Well I think I'd better go, just prey for NO rain
Think I'd better go too.
Shame Ya can't make it Rockmother, would have been better than Motorhead, better sound too xx
Well Stu - hopefully Ister can document the whole occasion - photo's film, interviews etc. I'm still a bit deaf in one ear from Motorhead or Iggy or both. Anyone got a trumpet?
Check your hotmail mate,
Otto's been outed!
I have seen OBS, he's gonna be a massive star!
Yaaaaaaawwwwwn. Football.
Is that RoMo in disguise yawning over there? What makes you tink we're talking footie? Eh? Eh?
I only yawn when I tink of Brentford anyway...
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