This week, I have been mostly eating...
strawberries. The first 'berries to be picked from this year's crop, and they were ripe, tasty and gave out a sweet after-kick in the mouth. It wasn't worth getting the whipped cream out for just the two strawberries though, but on second thoughts, I suppose I could've given me gob a couple of squirts of the cream-in-a-can (that stuff's also great for making those custard pies that clowns use - and it's a lot tastier than shaving foam).
Strawberries are a superfood.
Absolutely spiffing.
Former Curiosity Killed The Cat singer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says that strawberries should never be eaten if they've been refrigerated, so I hope yours went straight into the bowl from the earth.
Mind you, Hugh is the sort of bloke who would eat the fruit of his loins so I wouldn't take his advice too seriously.
Have you tried shaving with whipped cream? It's very invigorating.
I fekkin hate strawberries
Ah, And now I love them.
It's like the bleedin' Good Life 'round at yours innit.
Geoff - Strawberries come in handy when you're waiting for Sir Cliff to start singing at centre court.
Betty - They didn't go straight to the bowl, I washed them first to get the cow shit removed. Apart from that, they were 100% organic as nature intended. Hugh does a mean cobra curry, have you ever tasted it?
Billy - Depends what you're shaving at the time.
Gobshite - Powerblock? I'll knock yer bleedin' block off if ya keep going on about it.
Penelope - Ister had your actor friend travelling on his train a month ago, that rather distinguished looking Peter Bowles chap, along with that other well known celeb Norbert J Hetherington on the same train. Neither of them had tickets, I'm ashamed to say.
i'm starting to worry, sugar....
That's a handsom piccy you have there Bill. Quite the Harry from Brookside, aren't you?
You may or may not be interested to know that I saw a chap in our local Waitrose recently who was wearing a Phil Parkes T-Shirt (not to be confused with Phil *Parks*). He can't have been a day over 23, off his bonce on crack heroin, no doubt, wearing a jaunty Dylan cap and singing "yoo 'oops stuff the Palace scumbags" to the tune of Time For Heroes.
I remember the days when no high street deserved the name unless it had at least one Phil Parkes Sports Shop on it.
You try and tell the kids that these days and they won't believe you.
rock on Tommy!
p.s. that Kate Moss could do with piling on a pound or two?
I am confused, as I though Bill Grant WAS a character from Brookside. Wasn't he that man with the greasy hair and beard who went on to be in the Royal Family? There was too much swearing in that programme for my liking.
Savvy - Don't be worrying, Sweetness. I have everyting under control.
Istvanski - Have you escaped again?!? I taught I put a stronger padlock on dat tea chest only to find owt dat you've wangled yer way outa dere? Bollix to dis, Oim calling Battersea dogs home.
Glenda - Oim up for a bit o' romance and you seem just moi type; sexy, intellectual, all dose tings. Shall we go back t' yers?
Where's Istvanski's photo gone? How dare you hijack it with your irish jig!
Istvanski. .b 4 u settle in here for another 6hrs. . .Dont forget to sign, update the standin order and send off the contract for the Pixies do it all 4 u.
Especially the updates section or they just want to know the usual nightshift duties for when you wake service when it is all done.
Where's Isters?
Anyhoo, I'm on a raspberry and blackcurrant binge right now. My fruit bushes are groaning under the weight of fruit. I'm getting 5 portions a day by scoffing them :)
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