There was more Iggy action on the telly over the weekend. I saw the appearance of The Stooges on Wossy and it was quite enjoyable (Serena Williams' thighs have a huge circumference that make my middle-aged beer belly look like a pencil...just thought I'd mention that. I bet she knows how to handle a mountain bike). I won't even bother talking about Wossy's other guest, Russell Brand, and the producers were wise to have The Stooges as the final guests for that night. Well worth wading through all the other crap to get to the end. I've yet to see their Glastonbury performance at the time of writing this (I do so hope Mr Del Nightmare enjoyed it).
I tried posting the gif below as a comment on Rosterina's MySpace site, but it said I had violated their terms of violation. I think it's quite tasteful myself as it reminds me of Iggy's dancing up on stage. It's easy to imagine this as the real Iggster, just try seeing him with a few more wrinkles. Actually I'm jealous 'cos Iggy is in better shape than I, can anyone spot the difference between the real and fake Iggy?

the fake one is wearing undies
ooh la la. Iggy never wears pants! x
undies=pants=knickers=drawers=shorts=whitey tighties
Aaah, at last Istvanski uses a picture of me without farting around with it.
At least his trousers weren't see-through at Glastonbury.
They're more of a health and safety issue than getting 100 people up on stage.
It's the designer handcuffs right? Iggy is holding a cosh.
Savvy - Correct-a-mundo. There's no V.P.L on the Iggy.
RoMo - Hang on to that VHS of Iggy at Glasto for the time being. I'm still downloading lots of BBC fezzie footage from the PVR and I may have recorded The Stooges appearance for archiving on DVD shiny plastic disc thing x
Oh yeah...I never noticed wiggly man was wearing handcuffs. That's another RoMo constant, isn't it?
Howesy - Your pic is the one in the top right hand corner of the post I take it?
Geoff - Talking of Health & Safety issues at festivals, I'd rather eat Iggy's trousers than become ill through munching a Glasto-burger.
DH - Howesy knows all about being coshed by one of those things that Iggy is holding. You'd be surprised how many uses an everyday common or garden microphone can have.
Re: handcuffs - oh ha ha ha - just snapped a rib laughing!
Oh goodness - you've melted Iggy - I've only just realised!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Hey, don't listen to that bastardo Rodrigo, he eats babies and smells of loganberry jam senor.
He iz norring bud a feeeelllthiiieeee peeeeggg.
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