Sunday, June 03, 2007

Pooter Game


savannah said...

sugar, did you go to your concert? or were ya'll just teasing me? btw, i did write a review ...

and no, i didnt play the game *L*

Howesy said...

But I DID play the game, I didn't get the hang of it to be honest, pissed all over the computer, have you got DELL's phone number?

Dick Headley said...

Nice steady stream there. I'm more of a slow dripper these days.

rockmother said...

I scored 405 - is that good? I just aimed for all the people..

savannah said...

when are ya'll going to your concert? when are we meeting in albania? who thinks of these games? why am i so inquisitve tonight? well, sugar? can ya'll help me out heah?

Istvanski said...

Savvy - Concerts take place middle of this month. Journey to Albania takes place as soon as we are granted our visas. These games are created by unemployed Albanian musicians.

Howesy - You'll be allright. If you look in the Dell guarantee (clause 4:5:5 - "Wee-wee in the machinery") You'll find that you are fully covered.

DH - Slow dripper? Do you mean to say that after years of alcohol consumption that you've finally managed to develop that strong bladder?

RoMo - Trust you to score 405. Wasn't that the number of lines that used to be used in television transmissions before the arrival of High Def?

Howesy said...

I don't know about me being fully covered. My laptop definitely was tho'.

savannah said...

ok...howsey realy did prematurely get excited...mid month, eh?

rockmother said...

Is 405 a good score then - I bet you got 1005!

Dick Headley said...

Any day now and they'll be fitting me with a liver bypass and a nice little on/off tap.

Istvanski said...

Howesy - That bad was it? Urine line for a bollocking.

Savvy - Mid month? Are you suggesting a case of early arrival at the concert? That makes no sense whatsoever.

RoMo - I surpassed 1005 after I undid the knot. Not.

DH - What if the faucet gets jammed? Have they considered installing an overflow pipe just in case?

savannah said...

i'm not suggesting anything...but i could, if you'd like, sugar ....*snickering*

rockmother said...

What are you all going on about?

Dick Headley said...

Piss rm. Istvanski started it.

rockmother said...

Wee wee. Wazz. Piss. Urine. Oh I see. Why? I wonder what Albanian is for 'I'm dying for a wee'?

Anonymous said...

"Jam kërkesë zhurmë urinoj", which is translated (probably incorrectly in the grammatical sense) from "I need to pee".

There is no such colloquial translation for "I'm dying for a pee", as the literal translation into Albanian would be "Your mother is the son of a flea ridden goat herder".

Anonymous said...

"Your mother is the son of a flea ridden goat herder".
Strangely, on a similar theme, the above sentence, when spoken in Czech, roughly translates, to the hard of hearing, as:
"Blow me down, I'm just about to drop a bombload, would you mind looking the other way while I go behind this tree? Ta."

savannah said...

the open university..that was funny

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...yes, and if you were to translate the following sentence -

"Blow me down, I'm just about to drop a bombload, would you mind looking the other way while I go behind this tree? Ta"

into one of the sub-branches of the Finno-Ugric dialects and process the sound through a ring modulator it would sound like:

" Ide virgus Pareczukki prade fandabbidozee rashbirrie unde atmoshom, bechibakk, jejejejejeje"

Which is actually broken Transylvanian gypsy slang for:

"I'm on the verge of releasing an enormous fart to atmosphere, please stand well back, hahahahahaha!".

Anonymous said...

That's better!

Howesy said...

Is this game available on the Nintendo Wee?

savannah said...

everything is for sale...except me, of course...but that isn't what we were talking about was it?
*i'm working and my brain is about to don't pay any attention to anything i say*

rockmother said...

Wee, farts, it's probably poo poo next...

rockmother said...

When are we all going on our Albanian flydrive?

rockmother said...

Sorry - me again - can't sleep. Got bored waiting for anyone to drop by so played wee game again and got 1250. I'm so proud.

savannah said...

yikes...after 1am for you...and i'm still working...dammit..and it's aafter 8pm...but then again...when i'm done..i'm other project this week

so wf, right?
gawd...i need a drink

rockmother said...

oh I would love to have a nice glass of fine red right now but alas the cupboard is bare. Night night all.

Istvanski said...

Morning RoMo, I see that you're still here...what's that green empty bottle of sauvignon doing on the floor, and more importantly, where did you find it?

Have you been plundering my secret stash of vino?

Savvy - Will you do me a favour please? Help take RoMo to the bathroom and get her cleaned up, she's in a right "two and eight".

savannah said...

in a right state! but, of course....but i have no idea where she found the wine...

Dick Headley said...

Not a bad score romo considering girls don't pee standing up.

rockmother said...

I've just worked out where you hide the 'Buie Breezers - there aren't any left by the way - sorry I caned them last night with Slaminsky and Great She Elephant. The lite ones aren't very nice - just stick to original please in future.

(Mild deathstare)

Istvanski said...

And who in god's name drank the last of the toilet duck?!?

savannah said...

are you calling me a great she elephant?

ok, i've gotta say it...that pic you're using, dh, just so doesnt ring true for me...i have this picture of you as so much more debonaire...

rockmother said...

Oops - sorry - I didn't drink the Toilet Duck I went for the full mainline into the eyeball if that's ok? Sav - no no no - I went out last night with two bloggy friends - and Whew - how's that for cross-selling?!

rockmother said...

La la la la la la la.

savannah said...'ve got maadd skillzzz, romo..i like that about you!

savannah said...

ok..36 comments on a post called "pooter game"

Istvanski said...

Shall we go for 40 and call it a day?

rockmother said...

Blah to 40!

savannah said...

are we there yet?

Istvanski said...

Blimey, I was only kidding about the 40 comment mark thingy!

I really meant let's all go for 99 comments...

Not really.

Howesy said...

okey dokey, well here's another one.
And if you ask me, if ever a post deserved comments galore it was this one.

savannah said...

damn, sugar..between you and howesy....what's a woman supposed to do? ya'll know marc broussard? great sound, i've posted one of his songs

Istvanski said...

"...damn, sugar..between you and howesy....what's a woman supposed to do?..."

Look Savvy...luv...

Howesy and I are not professional soccer players that are about to invite you back to our hotel room.

Please remember that,
Howester & Ister.

Istvanski said...

Howesy - How was your medical today?

Did they ask you to cough?

rockmother said...

And drop?

Istvanski said...

Did they bend you over and insert the thermometer?

savannah said...

lmbo..i MEANT..when were all ya'll gonna post new stuff, sugar...besides making me spit coffee on my keyboard reading your comments on my site...yeah, i answered each comment, darlin...

howesy had a medical?

soccer? i thought ya'll called that FOOTBALL *smirking*

savannah said...

Tom Cruise said...
I believe Istvanski is refering to my well known Hollywood blockbuster "Minority Report".

Say Honey, howzabout you team up with Katie and I for a little threesome fun, huh? Whadaya say baby? The scientology hall is kinda vacant today, so we could have the large hall all to ourselves.

Where exactly are you looking out on in your profile picture? It looks industrialised, or even, institutionalised.

You better not be blogging from a women's prison, otherwise I'm gonna call off the threesome.

It's time to take our vitamins, minerals and supplements.
I'm like, outa here.

this was you, wasn't it?

rockmother said...

What's lmbo?

rockmother said...

Ooh - 50 comments!

rockmother said...

Savannah - just don't make direct eye contact with Le Cruise - Scientologists aren't allowed to look people in the eye because...oh bugger.. I can't remember why ...but they can't! Something to do with alien souls and other somesuch nonsense. I worked with a famous musician Scientologist earlier this year and everytime he spoke to me I kept turning around and looking behind me thinking he was talking to someone else. Freakoid!

rockmother said...

Oh no - has everyone gone away again? Helloooooo?

savannah said...

lmbo=laughing my butt off

isnt that universal text-speech? anyway..yeah...they are strange folks...when i lived in los angeles, i was invited to a party at one of their grand sites...a different sort of folk, that's for sure...but jaysus, they smoked like demons! cigarettes, i mean

so we really are going for the 99 mark, eh?

rockmother said...

Ohhhhh....I can't do abbreviations - took me years to find out what lol meant. Does that mean my brain doesn't work like normal people's do? Mind you - I would have thought from the tone of comments on here none of us are particularly normal are we? Ha ha.

rockmother said...

Scientologists aren't meant to smoke are they? I'm sure L Ron Hubbard would have something to say about that.

Anonymous said...

Actually Ms Rockmother I do have something to say on the matter of imbibation and inhalation of any substance that smokes including guns, reefers and crackpipes. Smoking kills brain cells and blocks out contact with the higher and superior life forms that are trying to communicate from the alter-universe that we know as light. I for one am dead but am sending this special message to you by the force of Davros - Supreme Lord and Master of the Alieniverse.

savannah said...

who knows now, but they did if it were part of the scientific way...know what i mean?

savannah said...

8.30ish at night across the pond...did ya'll go out? do i have to wait until tomorrow? am i supposed to keep posting?
until we reach 99 and a half..or will that not do?

rockmother said...

I'm not going out - I hardly ever go out. I might do another podcast tonight...meanwhile Ister is probably getting tanked up on a party tin of Watneys Red Barrel alternating with inhaling Toilet Duck and Howesey is no doubt cruising Brentford High Street for a bit of meat-rack rough trade action.

savannah said...

ister drinks? oh my..and howsey is into rough trade? oh my...who knew?

and it's barely 4pm here...i need to make a wine run...and when will your podcast be broadcast, romo, sugar?

rockmother said...

I don't know - I may try tonight but there is only a quarter of a bottle of white wine in the entire house which isn't enough to get me through a podcast and I can't go out as Squidget, Son of Romo is already abed and I am a responsible mother and wouldn't leave him alone to go to the offy - or anywhere for that matter!

savannah said...

and no deliveries, eh? that is the one thing i miss here...calling the liquor store and having them're a good mum, i know that, sugar...

savannah said...

damn..we should all have one big yahoo conference one day :)

rockmother said...

We don't need to - we can just use the drop-in centre facility here. Wow - alcohol delivery like in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? I would love that. Don't you have that where you are? That reminds me - last time I was in Memphis - my friends took me for a ride to Arkansas. Bloody hell. I went to buy beers from a liquor store which was covered in metal grilles and bars and guns on the back wall. I stood there for what seemed like an age....and then I realised no one would ever serve me. And then they asked me to leave because I wasn't from 'around here'!

savannah said...

lol..there is that..why doesn't ister leave out wine and cheese? anyway...nope, no home delivery hee in the bible blet...and sugar, you were in ARKANSAS...they aint right in the head...*snickering* anyway, the south has mysterious ways...that's why i live here...i fit in

rockmother said...

I have to say - I found Arkansas extremely disquieting and couldn't wait to get out. I met some weird people in Memphis although played some great pool and drank some great booze - and went to Graceland and got removed from the building for taking photo's. Of course.

rockmother said...

Oops - Ister's seems to have turned into a chatroom. I hope he doesn't mind. He might not remember anything after his Watney's Red Barrel/Toilet Duck-themed evening?

savannah said...

it is one of those places in the states that has developed a bizarre reputation...there are parts of the state that have attracted a very hip/talented populous...little pockets of diversity...we thought about it..for a second, then good sense overcame us!

i have to admit..i have avoided graceland and mephis

savannah said...

i kinda like the idea: ister's chatroom and drop in centre ;)

rockmother said...

yes - for the inebriated and infirm

savannah said...

exaclty..why hasn't dh weighted in on this?

savannah said...

damn...i meant exactly

the friday happy hour started early here

savannah said...

r-mum..did you check out marc broussard already? over at my place

Istvanski said...

So nice of you two to pop in again.
Sorry that I didn't happen to be here at the time, but I was trying to score some Toilet Duck from some dodgy geyser in Camden, whilst Howesy was in the east end flittering from Smithfield's to Billinsgate.

He didn't turn up for work today, which is surprising, I must say.

Go over to his blog and wish him a speedy recovery.

rockmother said...

Ister - watch out with the Toilet Duck - you'll be on the Harpic before you know it. Howesey was trawling Brentford High Street for some rough trade meat-rack action last I he not very well? I drank three instead of my statutory two glasses (buckets) of wine last night - see comments - and I feel a little blurry today I must say. I think Sav had at least a keg of Margarita. We tried to clear up but there might be a few cheesy string wrappers down the side of the sofa - sorry!x

Howesy said...

I fear I have been called upon to rescue my besmerched reputation somewhat.
Cruising Brentford High Street for any sort of action is way out of my league RoMo lol!
Ister, my medical was curtailed due the fact that, quite ironically, I was taken ill the night before. Won't bore with detail, but it was quite spectacular in a fever/vomity/throatinfectiony sorta way. First days off for 2 and a half years.
Nice to see that the comments total is ticking over nicely.
Perhaps I should've split this one up, or is that cheating?

rockmother said...

Howeser - I had that vomitting nose ear throat bug a couple of weeks ago - not nice. Hope you feel better.

savannah said...

poor howsey *hugs* feeling any better now, sugar?

savannah said...

it was FRIDAY...and happy hour had a 2 for 1 thing going...what was i supposed to do? and then...we were having such a nice little party here...

but i'm fine now...i think...gawd, it's early...

Istvanski said...

I suppose I'll catch the dregs of that infection from RoMo and Howesy at Motorhead. I should've chosen to go to see Megadeth after all ;-)

Savvy - Are you still on the lash? Oh yes, I refered to our beloved national game as "soccer" (as Howesy did recently) to cater for the American readership (that means you, shoo-gah...). American football, as I've said before, is rugby for wimps. I mean c'mon, what is it with those jocks and the shoulder pads? Is it some kind of a fashion statement?

RoMo - leave a mess and you give me a death stare because I didn't get the correct type of breezers in? As Chas'n'Dave once sang "There ain't no pleasing you".

I'll just leave the hoover out for you next time, ok? x

Howesy - How are you today buddy?
How many buckets did you fill up with vomit?

Howesy said...

Not too bad today thnx, but owing to a lack of rememberingness with regard to resuming work before noon, I'll be back monday.
I'm afraid I can't give an accurate bucket count, it was dark at the time. I worked out I spent about 20 hours asleep on Thursday, the dreams were fantastic!
Have updated TDHB's adventures by the way. (anything to stop the nag, nag, nag!)

Dick Headley said...

This is silly. Here's another one.

savannah said...

another one what, dh sugar? explain what you mean about me being "on the lash" ister

Istvanski said...

"On the lash" means "on the liquor"., or getting drunk, basically.

DH was refering to 'another comment' I presume.

Any more for any more?

savannah said...

oooooooooooooooooh..thank, you are going for 99 here, eh?

Istvanski said...

Yeah Savvy, why not eh?

Howesy said...


Howesy said...


Howesy said...


Howesy said...


Howesy said...


Howesy said...


Dick Headley said...


Dick Headley said...


savannah said...


savannah said...


savannah said...


savannah said...


savannah said...

be me...
thank you very much

Howesy said...

Bravi ragazzi!
You old centurian you!

rockmother said...

I simply MUST have the last word.x

Howesy said...

Go on then...

rockmother said...

There. I've said it now.

savannah said...'s me..i have the last word...for today anyway

Dick Headley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dick Headley said...

I deleted that because of the time zone. I expect you were all wondering.

savannah said...

but what did you say, sugar????

rockmother said...

The drop in centre is open for tea and light snacks.

Rum baba anyone? Brandy snap? Mind the dentures on the brandy snaps dears.

llewtrah said...

110th comment ....

Istvanski said... this rate we'll be heading for 200....

...I really AM kidding. It's OK, we can all finally desert this post.
Thank you for totting up the, erm, total number of comments to well over 100.
I'm chuffed.
And emotional.

No, really I am...

We can all go home now.

Time to get some sleep, it's getting way past anybodies bedtime.

Some of us haven't had any sleep in the past week.

Some of us are that over-tired from commenting here that we can't even get to sleep.

We have developed a state of permanent jet lag.

Just like some railway workers I know of, for example.

No, by that I mean I'm not going to give any examples and names of jet lagged railway shift workers as it would be an invasion of their privacy.

However, you may be able to spot them every once in a while...

...some of them tend to comment frequently on blogs....

...and they have a tendency to just babble...

....on and on....

to a point of nausiating tediousness...

...they never make any sense what so evah....

...and they leave large gaps inbetween sentences...

 if they're falling asleep as they type...

What the hell are these people on?

Perhaps they drink lots of cola?

Or double expressos round at Howesy's place?

I think society is to blame.

There's nothing more to see here.

Go away.


You're wasting your life commenting away on this post.

Perhaps you should get yourself a serious hobby?

Try to get yourself outdoors for some fresh air once in a while.

Perhaps you could meet some real
people at a friendly local church

I'm sure that will be a nice thing to do.

So, go on...what are you waiting for?


...that's it.

No, hang on...

I'm sure there was something else that I've forgotten to mention...

...what was it now?

Damn, It's gone.


rockmother said...


rockmother said...


rockmother said...


rockmother said...


rockmother said...


Istvanski said...

Yes please RoMo. I think I've just seen that Grandad Fred again.

rockmother said...

I think I've just been spontaneously sick! That eye and teeth combo gave me a bit of a fright.

Here you go - one cup of tea and a nice fluffy pillow that smells of lavender oil. You'll feel better soon. Move away from the computer.

Howesy said...

I'd post a comment, but it's too far up to the leave your comment box.
And leave Grandad Fred alone by the way, he's a handsome bugger really, the camera tends not to flatter when jealous,
and he's had some notable success with the ladies in the past...

the partially sighted ones at least.

rockmother said...

Oh well - that's all right then - we wouldn't Grandad Fred to be upset! Have another Custard Cream.

savannah said...


Istvanski said...

Looks like this post IS the meeting point prior to our departure to Albania / Montenegro.

(OK, it's not the best of comments, but at least it takes the total to 130).

rockmother said...

Ne c'vend ime trabant?

Istvanski said...

"We've sold your Trabant?"

Only someone like Grandad Arfur would do something like that.

rockmother said...

No smarty pants! I've LOST my Trabant - 'where is my Trabant?'. Sminky pinky fntvrotiska temem vrodsta jirji maria

Istvanski said...

Leave Maria out of this, she's done no wrong.

savannah said...

are we still going? i thought albania was out...dammit..have i missed yet another memo

rockmother said...

Apparently so Savmama!

savannah said...

and that's it?

Istvanski said...

That's it. Shall we bury this post once and for all?

Who's going to have the very last word?

rockmother said...

Me of course!x

Istvanski said...

Go on then, you win! x

savannah said...

good thing i looked..i did want to see who'd be last, sugar ;)

Istvanski said...

Did you think it would be you Savvy?

RoMo always has the last word on everything.

rockmother said...

Do I? Have I? Really?

savannah said...

no, i didnt think it would be me

savannah said...

and just because

rockmother said...

Have you been drinking again Savmama? I might have to go a pour myself a glass of fine red wine come to think of it. It is Friday after all.

savannah said...

happy hour and a new drink courtesy of dr maroon...and yes, rockmum..i have..been


Istvanski said...

Who is Dr Maroon?

savannah said...

Howesy said...

150 anyone?

savannah said...

sure why not?


rockmother said...

Ohh.....ok then. How about more than 150? My hangover registers about 180 on the Richter Scale at the moment. Just about to have an Andrews.

Istvanski said...

You think you've got it bad RoMo?

Last night's sour mash consumption has burned a hole in my stomach.

savannah said...

ya'll are too funny! more pictures please