Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stac Attack

Let's carry on with the "first birthday of this blog" theme, shall we? Regular readers will know why I started blogging in the first place, and it's really down to this man. In order to celebrate this guy's existence, we have delved deep into the vaults from the house of Dead End Productions and we bring you this exclusive footage of Stac performing "Scarey", one of his self-penned masterpieces from 1997 on local access TV (Cable 17). I'm sure you'll all agree on what a sweet song it is. (Alternatively, for those of you that may have trouble accessing the clip below from this blog, you can watch it here). Enjoy.


savannah said...


Istvanski said...

Why thank you suggah...and the song's not too shabby either, is it?

Howesy said...

Stac's looking good 10 years ago!
Lovely song, but one critisism, could you not get the large lady in the top right-hand corner bounce in time to the music?

Dick Headley said...

Very nice that. I see you got your comments sorted.

Istvanski said...

Howesy - I thought the lady WAS bouncing in time to the song according to the beat. It's just the synchronicity of the animation is slightly out. You've got the whole package in one the kitchen sync.

DH - Glad you enjoyed the clip Dick. As for that Phantom Comment Disabler...

savannah said...

who was the phantom comment disabler? was that you, dh sugar?

rockmother said...

Good voice. Looks a bit tortured and like he likes a drink...

Istvanski said...

Savvy - Good question.

RoMo - Funny you should say that...perhaps Stac could chip in with a comment. I know he reads this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Only the Phantom knows.

rockmother said...

I hope you don't think that new gif at the top is funny!

Istvanski said...

Which gif would that be?
They can't be real cats?

Both of them are puppets. Animatronics.

rockmother said...

The one before the cats!!

savannah said...


Anonymous said...

It still amazes me to watch this in the sense that he was a total arse in my dealings with him!

Istvanski said...

Happy days, Jif.

savannah said...

tell us another story...please, sir